Well last week I was busy and running behind and I forgot to mention much of the weekend excitement. This week i just forgot while loafing around the house.
So here we are. I totally left out last weekend I think. So I'll run from there. On Saturday I had the odd pleasure of helping to coach a swim meet in the morning and then driving up to camp and in the afternoon. The first person to see me at the swim meet asked why I wasn't at camp and I had to explain that I'm living and working in Battle Creek now. Then I explained that I'd head up there right after the swim meet.
Next thing you know, I was hustling up to camp. I knew several camping couples, several volunteers, and of course the Full Time Staff. I already wanted to make the trip to see folks, but it pushed me over the top when I found out Brian and Liz were up there along with the Penrod's. They stayed up late to hang out and we chatted about all kinds of stuff.
I also wanted to head anywhere North so I could swing by and pick up Adela on the way back. She had a mid Winter break and wanted some family time so I waited for the end of the weekend to snag her. We met at Sam Doyle's house where we enjoyed board game as well as a yummy chicken dinner.
Monday and Tuesday were spent working during the day and hanging out with Adela before bringing her back to Hope. We got to watch some Full House and Walking Dead together, but the highlight was dinner with Mom. It was really fun to chit chat and hang out at Finley's.
The rest of the week was more work. Learning the ropes before getting some numbers to crunch on Friday afternoon. More responsibility is great right now, although I'm sure I'll be loaded up before long.
The sunset on Wednesday afternoon. |
Snow is coming and going like it's no big deal around her. Work is so close it doesn't bother me. Gas tanks stretch out a little further now, although not perfect yet with these fast trips to camp and Holland. This weekend didn't have any of that though. I enjoyed basketball with Brian and Josh, long neglected friends in Battle Creek.
A nice sunrise Saturday morning. |
The rest of the weekend was spent mostly loafing around the house. I napped so long on Saturday after Bball that I had a big headache. I also watched the NBA All Star weekend. I know everyone hates the NBA but they're fantastic athletes and it's fun to see what can happen when the defense is lax. So for all the folks that say they don't play defense, you should watch the All Star weekend and see what happens then.
Red Wings were a bust this weekend, but it was a nice weekend of relaxing. Almost too much relaxing.