Monday, January 9, 2012


They say it's Winter here, but it's definitely not what I expect out of Winter.  We had a fair amount of snow as the weekend approached, but 50 degree weather on Friday torched the snow off the hill.  Thankfully the ice rinks held up well for the Father/Son and College/Career Winter Retreats. 

Staff kids and seasonal at the first hockey outing of the year.

Camp seems like it would be crippled without snow, but it really isn't.  With cold weather the inside options become even more fun, and the messages in chapel are just as penetrating as ever.  Because of the College/Career Retreat I was running pretty hard this weekend trying to catch up with people and keep up with my responsibilities.  I was able to play broomball with some friends from years past and we won the tournament with much of the team we had last year. 

As for projects, we took a bit of a break from wood this week to hit a couple different things around camp.  We tore down a shed near the West Side Trading Post (that I didn't even know was there) and carried the "jail" shed away from the East Side Trading Post. 

West Side Shed.  We kicked most of the boards out.  It was fun.
The East Side Shed was tricky to pick up and move.  But we managed to keep it in one piece.
Dan Haines put together a small (but heavy) fence in the Archery and Riflery areas on West Side.  The goal is to make it so that no one can be standing anywhere near where the archers are shooting.  I think he accomplished that, and I also believe this fence could take several shots from a battering ram.
This thing was super heavy for lifting.  That's me creeping up top with Dan's camera.
Extra curricularly I ran the clock at a girls basketball game and welcomed Kevin Pierpont and Reuben Peck to the trailer as Seasonal Staff for the Programing department.  It should go well because they are clean guys, but time will tell how true and consistent that is.

I'm also leading a Bible/Book study that Phyllis Douglas organized.  We had our first meeting Sunday evening with 8 guys from Fairview.  Our book is "The Measure of a Young Man" and we were able to set a reading plan after reading through the introduction.  All the guys stayed for a while to play/watch some different games.  I'm looking forward to going over the first unit next week.

So it's busy here.  We're praying for snow, but we're ready for anything at Camp Barakel.

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