Monday, October 11, 2010

Fun in Fairview

As Seasonal Staff at Camp Barakel I stay very busy all day, then I try to figure out ways to fill my evenings.  It's not hard!  I spend a lot of that time driving kids to town, and watching local sporting events.  In the Spring I helped to coach the under 18 AYSO soccer team and now I help to run the clock at the Varsity games this Fall.  Basketball is kind of the main sport around here and I've watched staff kids play.  There is also a pick up group that plays basketball on Friday mornings.  It's great to get out and run around for an hour, even if it's at 6:30 in the morning.  Having grown up in Athens, it's a blast to be involved in this community that comes together around their kids at the local sporting events.

As for Camp, we've been working on the roof of the East Side Dining Hall.  It's one of the largest roofs on camp so we only do a quarter of it at a time.  A summer work crew finished a quarter of the the roof and had leaking problems that led to a big mess in part of the dining hall.  Well this week we were able to finish and clean up a whole quarter of the roof so that campers wouldn't have to deal with the construction in progress.  I was able to strike back at the bees in the progress too as we found 3 nests in some of the venting. 

We were planning to start the roof last week, but with the fire we were hopping for the whole week.  We were thankful for all the help we received from programers, a staff kid, and even a part time staff volunteer that got here early on Friday.  God chipped in with some beautiful weather, I even got a little bit of a sunburn.  Now we'll take a week away from the roof to catch up on wood cutting before trying to find another week to try and roof another quarter of the roof. 

We said goodbye to our last women's retreat this weekend and we'll now welcome two completely packed men's retreats.  We'll be spending time trying to finish outdoor projects and preparing for the winter.  Join me in continuing to pray that God would work in the lives of our campers.  Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Keep meaning to tell you, great blog! Nice work! Funny how we can live on the same piece of property and yet not know much of each others' lives.
