Monday, October 7, 2013

A Visit to Midland

This week at Clubhouse I spent a lot of time trying to conquer my camera setting for the gym type lighting.  It's shut me down on indoor pictures for years.  I know camera nerds conquer this in moments, but I was pretty excited to get it to work.

Otherwise this week was a blur.  I remember riding my bike downtown and around town in general.  It kind of makes me sad sometimes.  Battle Creek was so nice and it still has signs of life, but it's never going to be what it was.  On the way through I stopped and spent some time creeping on the new Math and Science Center downtown.  Yep.  I'm that guy walking around the building at 6pm, creeping out whoever the administrator people that were there.

I should also mention my new volleyball shoes as they were a big part of the week.  I decided that I would look into getting some real men's volleyball shoes.  Well they showed up and were awesome.  Like playing on clouds.  Great traction and flexibility.  The only thing left is to see if they last.  Pretty exciting so far though.

Then I travelled with Adela and her roommate to Midland.  It was a bit of a botched trip because the goal was to take her sister home, but her sister took a different ride and we decided to go visit anyways.  One of the spots to visit was Dow Gardens, which I'd been told I would enjoy but had never visited.

Then I asked Adela to marry me there.  No big deal... right?

Here's a quick summary:  I had been picking on her about her other rings and had somehow managed to confiscate 3 of the 4.  While at the gardens I lagged behind and she came to get me like I was a 5 year old.  Which is about par for the course for us.  I made her come all the way to me, and offered her a Vera Bradley box to put her last ring in (with the others).  She said thanks, but no thanks and started to walk to catch up to her family.  I grabbed her hand and helped her take off that last ring and then gave her a Taco Bell hot sauce packet that said, "will you marry me", as I also got down on one knee.  Since I couldn't conceal the box casually I had the ring in my camera bag and whipped that out at the same time.  She was mostly confused.  She asked if I was joking (which I'd be ok with except I had the ring out, so that should have made it pretty clear).  I told her it was real, asked her to marry me and while still in shock she said.... yeah.  About like that too.  Yeah.  I offered to put the ring on and we carried on from there.

I'm thankful for her parents for jumping in to help me find a spot while preserving the surprise of the moment.  And to Hannah, her photo taking roommate who essentially took care of engagement photos on the spot.  She did a fantastic job and had no clue what she was going to be getting herself into.

A couple thoughts on getting engaged:

1)  I don't know what I'm supposed to feel like exactly, but it's not much different than before.  I treated her and her family like they were my family before all this went down.  Yes, I suppose it's much more firm now, and other people can consider our relationship more permanent.  Adela and I have been in it for the long haul from the moment I said I love you on her trampoline one night months and months ago.  Or maybe even weeks before that when I told her "my ship is sunk". 

2)  Everyone wants to know dates!  I understand that, but it's going to be a couple weeks to narrow these things down.  I'd love to set a date, but apparently I need to consider what Adela wants, and we need to consider what our families are up for.  I feel ok telling you it could be anywhere in the next 7 months.  We need to consider our living situation, her schooling, and try to find the time that makes most sense to make it happen, all while keeping God first in this engagement.

Beyond that I think everything is still up in the air.  I could see us having a private, very small scale wedding followed up with a couple receptions aimed at different groups in our lives (one for extended family, one for friends, or some breakdown like that) OR I could see it being traditional from start to finish. 

So hang on!  We're sorting it out!

Finally I'd like to thank all our friends from over the years!  Many of you have come right out of the woodwork to say congratulations, and we appreciate it. 

Fun times!

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