This week team seasonal staff had dinner at the Van Orman's. It was a really good meal, and instead of playing cards or board games we tried out something a little different. We rolled coins!
That jar/bottle thing was loaded with coins. It was hard to even pick up. |
I haven't rolled coins since I was a little kid. It was actually really fun! Who knew that simple stuff like counting and rolling coins would bring back fun memories from childhood. All in all it was a haul of about 500 bucks in mostly dimes and nickles.
All finished! |
As for the rest of the week, we're still in the old Cook's House making major renovations. Right now we're working on the ceiling, but we're close to drywalling around the whole building. In the meantime there has been a lot of electrical updates on the building. Mainly taking out old wiring and reorganizing the junction boxes.
You can see the angle of the ceiling, and the annoying wires in the way. |
So we keep plugging away at different parts of the building. We need to do a little more cleaning, but the retreats are officially over. We still have the Jack and Jill Retreat where we'll get lots of Winterizing activities finished up around camp. I'm looking forward to seeing the Summer Staff returning up to help out.
The Fall colors are still looking great. |
Camp will start settling into our 5 day work weeks. I'm always sad when the people leave, but we do get a ton of work done with extended weeks minus the cleaning and other preparations for the weekends. Plus 2 day weekends are fun too.
Until next time.
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